GSTN Enables Geocoding Functionality For All States, UTs
All states and union territories (UTs) now have access to the geocoding functionality for the “additional place of business” address, Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) informed in an advisory. This measure will make it simpler to find a tax evader or get rid of bogus registration.
“GSTN is pleased to inform that the geocoding functionality for the “Additional Place of Business” address is now active across all States and Union Territories. This builds upon the geocoding functionality earlier implemented for the principal place of business, operational since February 2023,” it stated.
More than 2.05 crore addresses have been geocoded by GSTN so far for both primary and secondary locations of business. In addition, starting in March 2022, geocoding of all new addresses is done at the time of registration, guaranteeing correctness and standardisation from the start. This functionality, which was introduced in February this year, was being tested in Delhi and Haryana. Regardless of whether they are active, cancelled, or suspended; normal, composition, SEZ units, SEZ developers, ISD, and casual taxpayers can utilise this feature.