Tata Group To Cut The Number Of Listed Companies
There are currently 29 listed and 60 unlisted companies of Tata Group in the market
The country’s leading IT company Tata Group can reduce the number of its listed companies. In the coming days, the company may reduce the number of listed companies from 29 to 15. As per some media reports, the company has made many plans regarding this at present, but no official statement has been issued by the Tata group regarding this matter yet.
The revenue of the Tata Group is currently around USD 128 billion. At the same time, the company’s market cap has been USD 255 billion. According to media reports, the company is currently working to coordinate the group. There are currently 29 listed companies of Tata Group in the market. If said about unlisted companies, then there are around 60 companies which have not been listed yet. At the same time, close to 100 subsidiary companies are also involved, which are working closely with the group.
Under the ongoing administrator N Chandrasekaran, the organisation has been doing whatever it may take to combine its business to work on its effectiveness.